"The merciful and enternal God, Who alone saves from all evil, and Who has graciously called thee to be a partaker of the inheritance of the saints in life, through of Savior, Jesus Christ, deliver thee from the power of darkness and preserve thee in His truth and fear, now and forever more. Amen."
- Prayer from the Church Service Book and Ministerial Acts, of the Evangelical Lutheran Augusta Synod
This “cleansing” from sin is a continuous action, for the genuine Christian is to “grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ”
We rejoice with you at the birth of a new member of your family and extend a loving welcome to you and your child as members of God’s Family and our parish! Baptism is a time of joy, when new life is born into God’s Family because such witness of love and life reminds us of our innocence and God’s goodness!
The baptism of your child also reminds us that God’s Kingdom is here and gives hope the world will become a better place. We, as a parish community, share this hope and joy with you, and we want to do everything possible to make it a lived truth all the days of your life, and the life of your child.
Please contact the Parish Office at 651.633.3232 for assistance.